Following a failed bid for the casino licence in 2014 which was awarded to the del Lago Resort & Casino in Tyre, Tioga Downs Casino & Entertainment could be awarded a New York state gaming facility licence this week after a vote at New York State Gaming Commission meeting in Saratoga Springs.
The commission approved the revisited Tioga proposal last year and has recently completed all the required background checks.
Prior to approving the licence, the commission will also consider adoption of criteria and procedures for patron exclusion at gaming facilities, the regulation of table game equipment and casino table game conduct and operations.
The licence would allow Tioga Downs to become a full scale destination casino with the expansion plans including Las Vegas-style table games, a new restaurant, hotel and other amenities.
Tioga Down’s licence is item number 6 on the agenda and Casino officials will be anxiously anticipating the results of the vote that could spur the plans to open this Fall.
The $440 million construction of the casino in Nichols began soon after the Tioga Downs were recommended for a licence last year and is due to open in February 2017.
The licence would allow Tioga Downs to become a full scale destination casino with the expansion plans including Las Vegas-style table games, a new restaurant, hotel and other amenities.