Mr Green, a Scandinavian online casino operator has announced that Marcus Nylen has been recruited from private equity firm Fafner Invest to act as its new Chief Executive Officer in place of Mikael Pawlo.
Mr Green mentioned that 39-year-old Nylen has ‘many years of experience in the telecommunications industry’ after serving as Chief Executive Officer for Sweden’s second largest Internet service provider, Bredbandsbolaget, and holding ‘a number of senior positions’ with Tele2/Kinnevik Group.
Pawlo, who assisted in establishing Mr Green along with Henrik Bergquist and Fredrik Sidfalk.
“Marcus's dynamic leadership style combined with his marketing and sales skills were exactly what we were looking for in our search for a new Chief Executive Officer,”
“He is the perfect master to lead the company through further growth.”
Mr Green also revealed that Nylen is set to transfer to its headquarters in Malta while Pawlo will become Chief Executive Officer for an as yet unnamed new gaming venture.
Nylen said “Mr. Green is not only one of the fastest growing online casinos, the company also offers world-class products and stands out with its focus on responsible gambling in an extremely competitive industry,”
“I very much look forward to working with this team.”