Online gaming is great fun and the rewards are second to none if you manage to hit your chosen numbers on the roulette wheel or hit the jackpot on the slots. Game play can sometimes be a little dull, though development companies are introducing new and improved gaming experiences all of the time. One in particular has just launched a brand new multi player online role playing casino, after a year of development.
Gaming development and producing company Goldfire Studio have just launched their new offering for open beta testing. The CasinoRPG has been kept under wraps for more than a year, but it has now been made available, and it offers a new gaming experience. Players can play all the usual offerings of poker, blackjack and slots, but it then gives players the chance to build their own casinos in the virtual gaming world.
James Simpson is CEO and Founder of Goldfire said the following about the CasinoRPG. He said, “It is the most advanced HTML5 game in the world which will help to change people’s perceptions of what today’s browsers are capable of. We’ve barely begun to tap the possibilities of the web as a legitimate gaming platform, the future of browser gaming is very exciting.”
The new game can be played without the need of any lengthy downloads and annoying plug ins and will work on any HTML5 device. The world of online gaming is changing day by day and Goldfire Studios are certainly doing their bit to stay one step ahead of their nearest rivals.