What Are the Advantages of Playing Face-Up Blackjack?

What Are the Advantages of Playing Face-Up Blackjack?

Staff Writer
Updated December 21, 2021

What are the Advantages of Playing Face-Up Blackjack

You will come across a huge and very varied collection of online Blackjack games when you opt to play at any of our approved online casino sites, and one game that you may instantly take a shine to is the Face-Up Blackjack game which is found in the gaming suite of Real Time Gaming powered sites.

Now this game has a very simple game play rule which is what makes it so appealing to players when they first come across this game, and that rules states that when the Dealer is dealing out the cards he deals them all face upwards. This includes his cards, which means as a player you no longer have to make a guess at what the Dealers second card is going to be as you can always see that card!

So if you do decide to play Face-Up Blackjack online at a Real Time Gaming powered casino then you will have to put into place a different playing strategy than normal for being able to see the Dealers cards you will then be able to make your betting and playing decisions on his actual hand and not what it might be worth when the Dealer reveals his second playing card which is the case on all other variants of Blackjack!

Rules of Face-Up Blackjack

Let us now give you a complete run through of all of the rules of playing Face-Up Blackjack when you are playing it at a Real Time Gaming powered online casino site. The first thing we should let you know about this Blackjack game variant is that it is a multi stake game, and as such you will first need to pick a stake at which to play it for.

You can place a wager as low as just 1.00 on each hand you play and to do this you first set your chip values at the ones you wish to play for and then point and click your mouse onto the betting box displayed on the screen, each click you make will then drop one single chip at the value you have just chosen onto the betting box, when you are happy with your stake amount then simply click on the deal button and the Dealer will then deal out the cards.

You will be dealt out your two initial playing cards face up and the Dealer will also deal himself two facing upwards playing cards, and then you need to decide just how you wish to pay that hand off. We should point out that in most RTG powered casino sites there will be 8 decks of playing cards in the shoe of this game which are shuffled before each new hand is dealt out.

When 8 decks of playing cards are in play you will be playing a variant of Blackjack online that has a long term expected house edge of some 0.85%, that is if you play the game with perfectly playing strategy and optimal play.

One other important Dealer playing rule you need to be fully aware of when playing Face Up Blackjack online at any RTG powered site is that the Dealer will always hit any hand that is worth up to a soft 17 in value, everything from a hard 17 or above in value is going to see the Dealer standing those hands.

The rules in regards to what players are permitted to do when they have been dealt out their initial two playing cards are quite liberal and fairly straight forward to remember, you will be able to double down any initial two card hand that is dealt out to you that has a combined value of a hard 9 a hard 10 or a hard 11.

If you choose to double down any hand then you only get dealt out one additional playing card when playing Face-Up Blackjack and that card is going to cost you the same amount as your initial base game bet.

If you have split a pair of cards then this variant of Blackjack has game play rules in play that will also allow you to double down on any split cards if any split card is dealt out another card which gives it a value of a hard 9, 10 or 11. Be aware though that the maximum number of times that you are going to be able to split any initial hand dealt out to you in total is three times so in the end when you do split that many times you will then be playing four hands in total.


Sadly even though you are going to be able to see just what cards the Dealer is holding when you opt to play the Face Up Blackjack game, the actual rules of the game and the winning payouts make it something of  a slightly worse paying Blackjack game variant than some other games.

With this in mind you are probably going to be much better off playing some of the other much more readily available Blackjack games which offer a much lower house edge and will, over the long term see you winning much more regularly thanks to the lower house edges of those games.

If you want a few ideas as to just which online Blackjack games offer very low and very appealing house edges then two to consider playing are the Microgaming software powered single hand Classic Blackjack game which has a house edge of 0.13% or the Playtech software powered Blackjack Switch game which has a very respectable and low house edge of just 0.16%.

Both of those variants along with the Face Up Blackjack games can be accessed and played for free online and as such why not play them all for free and at no risk and then compare the way they all play and pay as by doing so you will soon be able to select just which game you enjoy playing the best.


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