Hundreds Reach Out About New York Casino

Hundreds Reach Out About New York Casino

Staff Writer
September 22, 2014

As the days are counted down for the new casino to be released in New York State, many people are speaking out against it. They want to ensure that their voices are heard about this new plan that they are not feeling too good about – afterall, some of the other plans didn’t pan out so well across the nation.

With three days of casino hearings, those that are for and against the plans to build a new casino have spoken about the advantages and disadvantages that are going to come with it. With casinos going in both the northern area, up by Syracuse – as well as the southern area, down by Ithaca, so many people want to be included in this planning, and why it may or may not be a good idea – so many people, that hearings had to go on for three entire days.

How Many Casinos?

There are sixteen different casino projects that are being explored throughout New York State, sixteen! This leaves a lot of people wondering how this is going to benefit their neighborhoods and not ruin them. Both supporters and protestors will have their chance to speak out at each of the hearings – the judges on the panel want to know how they feel about the projects and what exactly their problems or happiness is from regarding the casinos.

This is such a big decision to make for not only the state, but those that are going to be affected by having the casino in their neck of the woods – which is why the hearings are being open. The lawmakers and those on the casino committee do not want to make a decision that they may regret later on – which is why the voice of the people is extremely important. Many other states have already started building.

As of now, only a few of the casinos have officially been signed on and are ready to go – as of now, the hearings will continue until a decision has been reached on whether or not to allow more to go in throughout the entire state. We will keep you updated with the latest news.



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