Spanish Online Gambling Revenue Goes Up by 37% in Q3 2017

Spanish Online Gambling Revenue Goes Up by 37% in Q3 2017

Staff Writer
November 7, 2017
Spanish online gaming market on the rise
Spain's online gaming market enjoys strong performance in Q3 2017.

Online gambling operators in Spain can be satisfied with the results during the year's third quarter, which saw revenue increase by more than one third.

According to figures revealed by the Spanish regulator Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ), online gambling operators licensed in Spain recorded revenue of €140.5 million combined during the three-month period ending on September 30.

Numbers Going Up

The result represents a year-on-year increase of 37.3%, and 16.6% more than the country grossed during the second quarter.

The operators also managed to cut down their advertising expenses (3% less on a yearly basis), while the value of operators' bonus offers dropped by a staggering 18.2%. Still, the sponsorship costs – although at €1.9 million – were almost tripled when compared to the same period of 2016.

Sports betting went up by 37% to around €77 million, with the betting handle going down by 6.5% from Q2.

Online Casino Lead the Way

Online casino revenue was a little under €44 million, which is a year-on-year increase of 54.2%! Slot machines accounted for 50.9% of the total casino revenue, with a staggering year-on-year jump of 61.7%.

In terms of revenue, slots are followed by live roulette with €9.1 million. This sum may not seem much but is a result of a fantastic 91.3% increase. Traditional roulette was behind with €6.83 million, while blackjack took home €5.6 million.

Far behind was bingo, with a revenue increase of 30.5% – or €2.85 million in total, while sweepstakes finished the quarter with revenue of €2.1 million.

Great News For Poker

Possibly the most important new from this period is that Spain's struggling online poker market has recorded a growth. A modest one, of 6.8% (€14.7 million), but nevertheless very important since it allowed poker to cross into double-digit territory, with a growth of 10.5%.

Tournaments recorded an increase of 18.7% to €8.8 million, while cash games were once again down – this time 7% to €5.9 million. T

The trend continued with tournament fees and cash games – former were up by around 14%, while the latter went down by 5.4%.

During Q3 Spain signed a poker liquidity sharing agreement, joining France, Italy, and Portugal, although Italian politicians voiced their concerns regarding this deal, leaving open the possibility to quit the arrangement.


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