If, like us, you enjoy reading about other casino game players experiences, then you may be interested to learn more about one particular phenomenon that a lot of Video Poker players claim to regularly experience when playing these types of gaming machines.
This is something known as a Pump and Dump type of cycle. Whilst the design of all Video Poker games ensure the games are completely random and above all else fair, you will probably find you actually go through one of the types of playing cycles quite regularly yourself when playing most if not all Video Poker game variants!
What is a Pump and Dump Playing Cycle?
In basic terms there are two parts to a Pump and Dump Video Poker game playing cycle, the first is obviously the Pump stage, and this is where you seem to be pumping into a Video Poker game a lot of coins or notes, or when playing online using up a lot of your playing credits, and no matter how you play that game you never seem to get any winning payouts, or at the least any note worthy winning payouts other than getting the occasional few lower winning hand combinations forming!
Conversely the Dump playing cycle is one that any Video Poker player will be hoping they manage to achieve, and this is where the Video Poker game they are playing just keeps on dealing out winning hand combinations to that player, time and time again, and during this type of playing cycle that player can do no wrong and could even see one of the hand combinations they form being the Royal Flush hand!
Are Pump and Dump Playing Structures by Design?
Once you start to experience any Video Poker playing cycle that can be described as either a Pump or Dump cycle then you may become convinced that the games have been designed in this way, and may start to put in a play a strategy that will see you jump around from game to game trying to pick a Video Poker game that is in its Dump cycle!
However we do have to report that these two playing cycles are something of a Video Poker players myth, for you are just as likely to have a winning session as a losing one due to the completely random nature of all Video Poker games, whether they are online ones or land based games.
However, as far as Video Poker strategies go, moving around from machine to machine may just result in you finding one that is about to award you with a large winning payout, but if you do then it is luck alone that has resulted in that winning payout and not due to you machine hopping!
Do Any Games Have Pre-programmed Pump and Dump Playing Cycles?
There is in fact one category of game that does indeed have a Pump and Dump set of playing cycles and these are the Fruit Machine games which you will find offered at many online casino sites.
These games are unique in the design of their playing structure, and in fact it is possible to play them in such a way that you can force them to go into their respective paying out (Dump) mode, by putting into play a very unique playing strategy.
These Fruit Machines game have been designed to return a pre-set payout percentage during one game cycle and as such when it is nearing the end on any single cycle the game will go into a Dump mode if it needs to bring up its current payout percentage to the pre-programmed one!
You are going to experience all manner of different Video Poker game playing session irrespective of whether you play these types of gaming machines online or in a land based casino venue, and as all Video Poker machines are random then you can often go on long and extended winning sessions where you may feel invincible.
However, you may also sit down to play a Video Poker machine that is simply not dealing out any winning hand combinations. But no matter what machine you opt to play you will be playing against a random number generator and it is that device and its series of random numbers that is ultimately going to decide whether you are going to win or lose on each single game you set into motion!
There are a few different ways that you can try and increase your overall winning chances when playing Video Poker games and these will not require you to worry about Pump and Dump playing cycles!
Simply look out for the Video Poker games which by the design of their respective pay tables have the highest long term expected payout percentage, and not only that try and track down the Video Poker machines that have an Auto Hold feature in the game play options.
For when you turn on an activate the Auto Hold option setting then you are not going to have to sit there analyzing just which are the best cards to hold when you have been issued with your initial set of five playing cards, as the game will automatically hold the best ones for you based on the perfect playing strategy for the variant you are playing.
Be aware to get the best winning payouts when playing the majority of Video Poker game variants you will need to be playing those games with the maximum number of coins per hand that the games permits you to wager, for by doing so you will get access to the enhanced winning payouts often attached to the higher hand combinations on the pay table!
Finally, should you ever sit down to play a Video Poker game next to someone who is claiming the Video Poker game they are playing is going through a Pump or Dump cycle, it is usually best to keep quiet and not comment as those players tend to think they exist and it is pointless discussing the issue with them, as their minds will never be changed!