If you play Blackjack online then you will be probably drawn instantly to play the variants on which the very lowest house edge can be found, and you will have probably mastered the fine art of playing those variants with optimal strategy. That is of course the only way you should be playing Blackjack online!
However, many of the different casino game designers whose games can be found on offer at hundreds of different online casino sites will always be bringing out brand new blackjack games to keep their respective gaming platforms fresh and up to date.
With that in mind below you are going to find an overview of some of the more recently launched and released blackjack games, and by taking a look through the list you will find out how each game has been designed and structured to enable you to instantly discover what makes those new games different to the usual ones you may enjoy playing.
So please do read on for there are some very interesting new blackjack games on offer at many of our featured online casino sites and those games may be offering you something your own personal favorite games do not!
New Multi-Hand Online Blackjack Game Variants
When you are looking for an online casino gaming platform on which you are always going to be guaranteed of find the very largest suite of different blackjack game variants, you are going to be best off selecting a casino site offering you the Microgaming range of games.
There are literally dozens of different blackjack games on offer via the downloadable gaming platform offered at Microgaming software powered casino sites, and as such you are always going to have the maximum range of games on offer at those sites.
One of their most recent blackjack game realizes that may be of interest to you is their Premier Blackjack game. What makes this game every so slightly different to most others is that you are going to find it is a multi-hand game and as such you are going to be able to play more than one hand per game.
In fact this game is not only available via Microgaming’s download and instant play gaming platform but it has also been released as a mobile compatible casino game, so you are going to be able to get stuck into playing it on any mobile device you own or have access to.
This Premier Blackjack game comes with enhanced graphics and as such is a great variant to play and you are also going to find that you can play it for a wide spread of different stake levels so it is a game suitable for low stake blackjack players as well as players who do not mind playing for much higher stake amounts.
New HTML5 NetEnt Blackjack Game Variant
It does appear that many of the more well-known casino game designers are turning their attention from their online gaming platforms in regards to launched and releasing new casino games to their mobile gaming platforms.
With more and more people now preferring to play casino games on tablet devices and their mobile phones, this has led to many casinos players now opening up accounts at mobile casino sites. NetEnt who are famed of their instant play range of online casino games have launched a range of what are known as NetEnt Touch casino games which are mobile device compatible games which have been configured and designed to work seamlessly on any touch screen mobile device.
If you are a blackjack player then the new Classic Blackjack game from NetEnt may be one you will find to be a great playing variant, this game is now available on their NetEnt Touch mobile gaming platform and is a game on which there are six full decks of playing card sin the shoe and the game comes with a very liberal set of game playing rules.
You will have the added benefit of being able to play this new mobile blackjack game variant either for free if you want to test it out for you can play it for real money and the stake levels on offer are adjustable so it could be a great low stake blackjack game to play on your mobile device or a high stake game.
This new mobile Classic Blackjack game also gives players the ability of putting into play three hands per game, and the winning payouts are fairly standard with a player’s unmatched Blackjack hand being paid out at odds of 3 to 2 and all other winning player’s hands receiving the industry standard winning payout of even money.
You will also find that you are going to have the chance of being able to place an Insurance bet on this variant which pays out at odds of 2 to 1 if a winning bet, however as with every other blackjack game variant the Insurance wager does boast a high house edge and as such is a bet you should not place!
We have plenty of additional playing guides located throughout our website that we just know are going to be of interest to all blackjack game players, and as such we invite you to have a good look around as we are going to introduce you, through those guides to every single online blackjack game you can now access and play.
You will also find information on which blackjack games are also available as mobile game and we will also be enlightening you through our series of blackjack playing guides as to which variants have the very lowest house edges when played optionally, and as such those are the games you should always be making a beeline to play when you see them on offer at any casino site you are playing at!