How Do Take it or Leave it Slot Bonus Games Work?

How Do Take it or Leave it Slot Bonus Games Work?

Staff Writer
Updated July 11, 2022

Take it Or Leave it Casino Bonuses Guide

Triggering bonus games when you are playing slot games online could see you picking up some large winning payouts, however the problem for a lot of slot players who are used to playing the same slots whenever they are logged into an online casino is that when they try a new slot they haven’t played before they can often become confused by how that bonus game plays out!

Whilst there are of course some bonus games which are fairly straight forward to understand such as free spins awarding slots or slots that offer pick to win feature rounds, you can often come across and end up playing a game which has a bonus feature which can totally confuse you!

In this online slot playing guide we are going to take a look at the Take It or Leave It type of bonus games which quite a number of recently released online slot games have attached to them as the main bonus feature game, and as such if you have wanted to play those types of slots before but have been put off doing so as you were not 100% sure how the bonus games work, then we invite you to keep on reading for all will be revealed to you!

Overview of Take it or Leave it Bonus Games

When playing any online slot which has a take it or leave it type of bonus game you may have to spin in a number of scatter symbols to be awarded that bonus round, or on some slots the way in which you will trigger that feature game is by lining up a set of bonus symbols on an activated payline in a certain way or you could end up playing a slot which will award the bonus game completely at random.

However, once the bonus game has been triggered you will then be faced with a multi stage feature round that is going to force you to make several decisions when playing off that bonus game. The take it or leave it bonus games will, when triggered, locate onto your screen a large number of boxes, cases or simply different icons, and on the first round of that bonus game you need to click a certain number of those animations.

Underneath each of the locations on that bonus screen will be a different amount of coins, some large and some small in number, and once you click on your first set of them you will discover the amount hidden underneath each of the locations and then they will be removed from the game.

As soon as you have picked off your first set of locations then dependent on the values that were uncovered and removed from the game and based on the values that are still waiting to be revealed you will be given a cash offer, which you can accept and if you do accept that offer the game will end there and then and the amount you accepted will be instantly added to your casino account balance.

However, if you reject the offer then you get to pick off another set of animations off the bonus game screen and once you have made your selections and have been shown just what cash amounts you removed from the game you will then be given another offer based on just which coin values are still waiting to be revealed.

You can then accept that offer or reject it and if you reject it you ill then get to remove another set of animations and cash amounts off the bonus screen. This cycle will continue until you have just to cash amounts remaining and based on what values are under those to locations on the bonus game screen you will be given one final offer, if you accept that offer then much like before that offer is credited to your account, however if you reject that last offer you then get to pick one of the two remaining locations an whatever cash amount is revealed will be the one you are awarded with.


The only real problem you will have when you choose to play any slot game which has a take it or leave I type of bonus game is that you may accept an offer that is not going to be the largest one that you could have won when playing off these types of bonus games, that could often be the case right at the final stage of the game, for the offer you will be given when faced with just two last remaining boxes is usually going o be somewhere in the middle of the two cash amounts left remaining to be picked off the bonus game screen.

However, as you play these types of slot games more and more you will experience many occasions when you are able to accept the highest offer that was available and could end up winning a much larger amount of cash when you accept an offer than you would have done if you had played off the bonus game to its conclusion!

Look out for these types of bonus games which are attached to quite a number of online lot games, you will find the Deal or No Deal series of slots do of course all have a take it or leave it type of bonus games whilst there are several other slots which come with a similar type of bonus game but go by another name!



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