There are of course a huge and very varied range of different video poker games that you can play online, so many so you may just be struggling to find the perfect variant to suit your budget and playing style, if so then please do read on!
Below we are going to be giving you some pointers in regards to just which variants you should be looking to play, how to play them and we will also be letting you know if the multi hand variants payout more or even less than the single hand variants!
However, the very first thing that you should be attracted by are the pay tables on each variant you come across, for it is the payouts for the listed winning hand combinations on the pay tables that will give each video poker game, either single hand or a multi hand variant its house edge!
As many casino sites now list somewhere on their respective websites all of the payout percentages that each video poker game has been set to return looking up that information is not going to be too difficult!
Playing Single Hand Video Poker Games
A single hand video poker game is designed as its name suggests, and as such when you play such variants anywhere you will be playing off just one hand per game. Keep in mind that when playing such game you will have a choice in regards to how much you can wager on each hand.
You will be given the option of being able to adjust the coin values on the game you are playing so you can set them to play for low stake amounts or high stake amounts, and you will also be able to play one to five coins per hand.
Now, it is important that you pay close attention to the pay table when playing single hand video poker games for sometimes the jackpot paying hand combination will be boosted in value when you play five coins per hand, and if the variant you are attracted to playing does come with such an enhanced payout, then you will be best advised to play maximum coin hands per game you play off.
However, just make sure that you are playing the variant which does boast the highest possible payout percentage as that way you will get more from your winning hands and some much longer video poker playing session when you do so!
Multi Hand Video Poker Game Variants
There are going to be quite a large number of video poker games that will instead of allowing you to play no more than one hand per game will let you play lots of hands, and those games are of course known collectively as multi hand video poker games.
You will find some four hand video poker games along with 10, 25, 50 or even 100 hand games, and when playing such games you need to be aware that some of them which may have the same name as a single hand video poker game variant may come with better or poorer paying pay tables.
As such always make sure you look up that all important payout percentage information to ensure the variant you do decide to play is giving you a high payout percentage.
The best way to play any video poker game whether a single hand variant or a multi hand variant is with the auto hold option setting turned on and activated as that way the game itself will hold the best cards for you when you have been dealt out your initial five card hand!
As you have just found out some single hand variants do have higher payout percentages then multi hand variants however some multi hand variants may just have higher paying pay tables and as such higher payout percentages than single hand variants.
As long as you do play only the variants that offer the very highest possible paybacks then you will always have a winning chance, however keep in mind that if for example you play a 100 hand variant you will need a large enough bankroll to allow you to play off lots of hands per session.
One of the very best ways you can increase the value of even a small valued bankroll is by making use of some of the large deposit match bonuses that are being given away by our featured casinos sites, so make sure you have a good look around our website and track down the casino sites giving away the most generous of bonuses that can able used on video poker games!