Do all Video Poker Pay Tables Pay the Same?

Do all Video Poker Pay Tables Pay the Same?

Staff Writer
Updated September 7, 2022

Do all Video Poker Pay Tables Pay the Same

Video Poker is a card based game on which you are given the option of playing for a range of different coin values and will also be able to play from one to five coins per game you play.

When you have chosen a coin value and have decided on just how many coins per game you wish to play you simply need to click onto the Deal button and by doing so the machine you are playing will then deal you out five playing cards face up.

You then have to try and decide which, if any, of those cards to hold and lock into place for the next round based on the value of those cards and whether they are likely to form one of the many winning hand combinations that are listed on the pay table.

Once you have held any cards (or not) you click on the deal button a second time and the cards you do not hold are removed from the screen and new ones are dealt out from the one single deck of playing cards to replace them, once done if you have successfully formed a winning hand combination you are paid out your winnings as per the payouts listed on the pay table of the game you are playing.

What Video Poker Games Should I Avoid?

Now one question that we are often asked is do all video poker games have the same pay tables in play and in use on them, the easiest answer to that question is no! For every single video poker game variant you will come across will have its own unique pay table.

Therefore one thing that will vary from video poker game to video poker game is the actual long term expected payout percentage each game will return over you long term play. You should therefore always be on the lookout for a variant that offers you the very highest payout percentage, as by doing so more of your stakes will be retuned as winning payouts.

The RTP or to give it is other name the return to player payout percentage can vary quite wildly from variant to variant and you will often find the payout percentage listed on the website of the casino site you are playing at or on the help files of the variant you are playing, and the variant you should avoid are obviously the ones with the very lowest payout percentages!

Should I Use The Gamble Game Option?

Many video poker games will offer you an option double or nothing type of gamble game whenever you have been dealt out a winning combination and you may be tempted to take that gamble game.

However, it is worth noting that many video poker game variants that do offer a gamble game do not offer a completely random outcome of that gamble game as many variants have a predetermined outcome on their video poker game gamble game option.

The way those gamble games tend to work is that you will be dealt out a facing upwards card when you take the gamble game optional and four facing downwards cards are also dealt out to you. You then need to select one of the facing downwards cards that you think will be a higher valued card than the up facing one and if you guess correctly your initial base game winnings get doubled instantly.

However, as the gamble game is often pre-determined there is no skill involved in you playing the gamble game off, and you should always avoid taking it as the RTP on the part of the game will be much lower than on the base game alone!

Where Should I Play Video poker Online?

Playing video poker games online is actually a smart move if you are a real money player, for by tracking down the very highest paying variant you will find the RTP’s that they return over your long term play can be very high, much higher than all slot machines!

To help you find a casino site worthy of your custom and your real money gaming action have a look at our top rated casinos section of our website, there you will find an overview of each of the casino sites we have approved, each of which will be offering you their own unique new player sign up bonus offer.

Fast payouts, a huge suite of casino games and plenty of different video poker games will be on offer at our approved casino sites, so do pick one of them to sign up to, as you will also have the added benefit of playing and testing out any of their video poker games for free and at no risk, to see if you enjoy and like the way they play and pay too!


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