It often escapes the notice of online casino game players that there are several different configurable option settings available at the casino sites they are playing at, and as such in the following guide we are going to introduce you to some of the many different option settings that you can make use of to tailor your own online gaming experience when playing at various online casino sites.
If you have tried playing at several different casino sites and found there are some aspects of them that you do not like, then it will be worth having a read through the following guide as you will discover just how many different ways you can configure most online casino gaming platforms to ensure you get an enjoyable gaming session and one that has been designed to fit around the way you enjoy playing casino games online!
Playtech’s Auto Play Settings
You may enjoy playing any casino games manually, for many players love the thrill of choosing which cards to hold when playing games such as video poker, or carefully clicking on a slot games spin button in a certain way.
However, for many online casino players this can become something of a tiresome task, and this is where you are going to find the Auto Play option available at Playtech software powered casinos very handy. For when you utilize this option you are going to be able to set whatever game you have chosen to play automatically.
Whilst you may consider using an auto play settings as a very lazy way of playing some casino games, three are in fact several benefits of doing so. Take for example the game of video poker, when you set the game to play any amount of hands for you automatically, then the software is going to play each hand perfectly.
It has been pre-programmed with the best playing strategy for every possible base hand combination, and when that initial hand has been dealt out the game will then hold the best cards for you and will there ensure you are playing perfect strategy for whatever game you have chosen to play!
Microgaming’s Tabbed Brower Settings
You will find an enormous array of optional settings when you play at an online casino using the Microgaming suite of games. By clicking on the options tab you will find all manner of game controls on which you can mute any of the many different sound effects, you can also slow down or speed up the rate at which each casino games play.
However, one very handy optional setting is available in all of Microgaming’s fully downloadable casino sites, and this is something known as the Tabbed Browser option. If you have played at several other online casino sites than you are probably aware that you are only able to play one game at a time, however thanks to this brand new Microgaming tabbed browser you can play several games all at the same time.
You can also choose where to position each and every single game window you have open on your computer screen, so you simply drag and place them in a position where you can see each game playing out, and in addition to the tabbed browser to make your life so much easier when you have several game windows open, you can choose to set the auto play settings to play those games for you automatically.
Real Time Gaming’s Speed Control Settings
Should you like to have full control over just how fast or how slow casino games are going to play out then you will be best advised to give any of the casino games offered at casinos using the Real Time Gaming software package!
When you opt to play their range of games, which by the way is very large and very varied, by clicking on the option button you are going to be able to choose just how quickly the slot game reels spin or how quickly or slowly the cards are dealt out on games such as Baccarat and Blackjack, and this will enable you to play those games at your own pace and have something of a much more enjoyable non hurried type of casino game playing experience.
It is of course going to be a completely useless exercise for you to simply sign up to and to start playing at any online casino site straight away as a real money player, for nine times out of ten you will find the casino you have chosen may not offer the range of games you enjoy playing or have a gaming platform on offer that is not a easy to use as you may have been hoping.
With this in mind we would strongly suggest that as a first time online casino player you open up a guest account at several different online casinos, these types of accounts will allow you to play an unlimited amount of demo credits and will therefore allow you to see how each gaming platform and range of games works and plays but in a no risk environment.
By optng to play as a no risk guest playing you will soon be able to decide on just which gaming platform you enjoy the most and then can, when you are good and ready, switch over to play those games on your preferred gaming platform for real money!