Avoid 6 to 5 Paying Blackjack Games

Avoid 6 to 5 Paying Blackjack Games

Staff Writer
May 4, 2017

We have plenty of individual Blackjack guides throughout our website that are going to enlighten you on the game play rules payouts and house edges of all variants you can play online and on your mobile device.

As such if you have an interest in learning to play Blackjack and want to know which are going to be the best games to play then we would, as always, encourage you to make use of those guides. However, there is one aspect to Blackjack games that can affect your winning chances and that is the payout of the best and strongest ranked hand you can be dealt out that being a Blackjack Hand.

A Blackjack hand consists of any 10 valued card and an Ace, and when that hand is unmatched by the Dealer you automatically win. The bets payout possible for such a hand is 3 to 2 on all standard Blackjack game variants.

However, many casinos have now lowered that payout to 6 to 5 and as such if you do ever come across a game on which that Blackjack Hand pays 6 to 5 as opposed to 3 to 2 then you should not play it as you will get fewer back packs over you long term play and the house edge on that game will be higher than it should be!

Why do Casinos Offering 6 to 5 Blackjack?

You may be wondering why casinos have started to lower their payouts on the Blackjack games, well it is not only online and mobile casino sites that have done so for many land based bricks and mortar casinos have also reduced the payouts on their Blackjack games for a Blackjack Hand.

In most cases it will be pure greed, as the lower the payouts and the highest the house edge the most the casino can expected to earn from their respective Blackjack games over the long term!

However, some casinos have done this to compensate for their generous and much more rewarding comp clubs schemes or players club, and as such you may find that when playing such lower paying game you will be earning more comps as you play, however that still does not mean they are playable games!

You may also find that some online and mobile casino sites that do offer 6 to 5 payouts on their Blackjack games do so as they offer very high deposit match bonuses to their players and allow those players to use their bonus credits on the Blackjack games they offer.

However, our rule above still stands no matter how generous or not the bonuses and/or comps are, and that rule is that you should always avoid playing such variants no matter where you do come across them!

Playing the Best Blackjack Games Online

If you do want to play Blackjack in any playing environment then look out for the games that have been designed with the lowest number of decks of cards in the shoe and the games offering the best pay backs and also the ones which have the lowest possible house edge.

The only way that you are going to get any realistic chance of winning over the long term when playing Blackjack games in particular is by learning how to play perfectly and that will entail you finding out how to play off every possible hand that could be dealt out to you when facing any Dealers card or cards. That is surprisingly easy to do however if you get a Blackjack strategy card for the variant you intend playing!


There are lot of ways that a casino could be offering you poor valued Blackjack games, and as such as a player you do need to know just what makes any Blackjack game variant you come across a much better one to play than any others.

Keep in mind also that as there are now lots of casinos offering live Blackjack games as opposed to the software and random number generator controlled games you can now play a casinos Blackjack game from your own home but will actually be playing against real life Dealers based in a bricks and mortar casino.

However, the rules attached to the live Blackjack games can also vary quite noticeably from casino to casino as can the game play rules too. As such always ensure you know how to play Blackjack perfectly before you ever do sit down to play and also ensure you are only ever playing the variants that when played perfectly offer the very lowest house edges.

The lowest house edge Blackjack games we have seen online include the Microgaming designed and supplied single hand Classic Blackjack game and the Playtech designed and supplied Blackjack Switch game so be on the lookout for those two variants for a start!


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